Two and a Half Hours: Not Long Enough

Inglorious Basterds has never been near the top of my list when it comes to Tarantino films, and i never knew why. But upon this most recent viewing of it, i believe i have come to a conclusion; it simply isn’t long enough. Now, i know that may sound crazy for a film that comes close to a 3 hour mark, but this is the truth. In order to help you understand this problem, let me divulge further.

The problem begins with the title characters, the basterds. Quite frankly, they aren’t in very much of the film. out of the entire film, we only truly see the entire group together in about two scenes, those being the beginning when they are rounded up, and the scene in which Donnie kills the German officer. Other than that, they are split up and we only get to really see a few of them at a time. Not to mention, the film goes immediately from introducing these characters to seeing them in action. We aren’t given any context as to what happens between them assembling and landing in Nazi France. This leads to these characters either being mostly forgotten throughout the story, or left out entirely. I just watched the film and i can only name about three of them honestly.

However these aren’t the only characters given unfair screen time. The “main” character of the film, Shosanna Dreyfus is given just as little screen time. She is introduced in the opening scene (which features more characters who are merely in the film for about 20 minutes, i might add), then revisited in the middle of the film, only to be brought back at the end. And at no point are we truly given any character ark for her.

But of course these characters all have it the best. There are many characters throughout the film given even worse treatment; characters who just barely make the cut of being main cast, but are quickly forgotten. Examples would be the aforementioned farmer and his family from the beginning of the film, Michael Fassbenders’ character who quickly gets killed, and Bridget Von Hammersmark whom we are introduced to in the middle of the film only to see her get killed before the final showdown.

So what does this all make for? It makes for a story that seems very condensed. We end up jumping from storyline to storyline before feeling truly concise. We don’t get to know enough about the basterds, we don’t get to know enough about Shosanna, and we don’t get to know enough about Hans Landa and the rest of the Nazis.

Now, don’t get me wrong, i don’t think this is a bad film. It seems nowadays that everyone wants to try their hand at WW2 films, and Inglorious Basterds stands at the top of the heap, next to Saving Private Ryan and Schindlers List. However, it seems that it may have been a good idea to split up the story into multiple films, in the same way Tarantino took the 4-hour-11-minute Kill Bill and split it up into two films. That would have given us a chance to get more in depth with the very interesting story-lines as well as see more characterization. So, how would a 5 hour version sound?


  1. Interesting take on this subject. I feel that way about a lot of movies. It seemed as if Tarantino threw us in the deep end and hoped for the best. I really enjoyed the film though. Usually when it comes down to great movies, we all wish that they never ended or they were a bit longer. It kinda sucks sometimes.


  2. Patrick,
    In terms of the length of this film, I actually disagree. In some scenes, specifically those involving Hans Landa, Tarantino seems to have a lot of dialogue that either drags the scene on longer than it needs to be, or maintains a lot of unnecessary dialogue that doesn’t seem to progress the story in any way. As a result, the pacing of the film becomes inconsistent. That heavily has to do with the way Tarantino wrote this movie, and while I enjoy parts of this film greatly, there are moments as I’ve mentioned before where the dialogue kind of derails the motion of the narrative a bit. I enjoyed reading your perspective on the film. It would have been interesting had Tarantino structured this film like Kill Bill.


  3. So I don’t think that this film necessarily needed incredibly dynamic, main, core characters in order to achieve its objective. However, I see your point, at times it does seem difficult to relate with any of them because the screen time is so divided between them. Nonetheless, I think the point is just to take you on this revenge story, in which Hitler dies in an epic fashion.


  4. I was thinking the same thing while watching this film, that the basterds weren’t in the film enough. I found myself wanting to know what was going on with them while they were off screen. Maybe the movie should have been split up into more parts, but I feel that the story would have really benefited from more character development and story line.


  5. I personally don’t think that the inglorious bastreds movie needs to be broken into to two seperate movies. I feel that tarantino did a good job at getting the point across with just one movie. If it was longer and broken into two movies it wouldn’t ae bee as good.


  6. I think that this movie does struggle with managing its time and often feels like it is crowded and rushed. I personally think they could have cut a lot from the movie to make room such as the long opening scene. It is a great scene, but it is ultimately not that important to the overall story and could have been shorter. Tarantino has a lot of characters in this film and I think it could have strongly benefited from the lessening of some of these characters and the growing of overs. Shosanna Dreyfus is an interesting character, but I would have given up several of her scenes to get more of the Basterds who are by far the more interesting element.


  7. I agree the film would definitely benefit from having an extended run time, as the characters that WERE shown delivered such memorable performances even if they weren’t given as much screen time. Granted I would NOT say this movie was bad because it could’ve been a bit longer, just that I do agree it would have been better if it was.


  8. I disagree, I think the film is too long. The length makes the film feel dry at points. That being said the film is still really good and deserves all of the praise that it gets. My favorite part is the ending


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